Something for everyone: Part II Songs & Smiles


Connecting different generations

Songs & Smiles is an intergenerational music group aimed at 0-4 year olds, their grown-ups and older people, held in care homes and assisted living schemes. 

By combining music and movement with the presence of young children, our Songs & Smiles sessions can have a magical, transformative effect on older people living in care homes - reducing loneliness and isolation, lifting mood and even improving cognitive and motor skills.

From instruments and action songs to colourful scarves and bubbles, our expert-designed sessions engage the youngest through to the oldest members of our group.

However, our intergenerational activities are not just for the oldest and youngest members of the group, Songs & Smiles is also a source of support for parents/guardians. Many of them have told us of the positive impact the groups have on their own wellbeing - and the care home residents tell us how much they enjoy forming new friendships with them. Parenthood can sometimes be a bit lonely, so meeting new people across different age groups and knowing that you’re contributing towards something valuable can be a real mood-booster. 

And often, kind words from older generations to our parent participants make
ALL the difference…

At one of the earliest Songs & Smiles, when our founder was fuelled only by caffeine and the atmosphere of the event (teething baby Heath had ensured a sleepless night), Louise had an interaction that stays with her to this day. An older individual - in just a few words - provided an instant perspective shift. Yes, those long nights were tough, but “one day she’d look back and simply remember all the cuddles”. After that, those tiring night times became just that little bit easier.

Another new parent received valuable advice from an older person, “I was having trouble putting my daughter down in her Moses basket after she fell asleep in my arms. Gert took me to one side and suggested I cuddled my daughter on the mattress of the Moses basket, then put her down. This was a revelation, I managed to get a few minute peace, my daughter was warm and snuggled - and no tears!”

Jenny Reed