Global Intergenerational Week: Challenge day 2 - Let’s develop intergenerational partnerships


Day 2 (Thursday 25 April): Let’s develop intergenerational partnerships

Today, we're diving deeper into the heart of Global Intergenerational Week by focusing on the importance of developing partnerships across generations. At The Together Project, we believe that collaboration across the generations is key to creating thriving communities where everyone feels valued and supported.

Challenge for Day 2: Partner up

Your challenge for today is to reach out and establish an intergenerational partnership in your community. Whether you're a parent, a caregiver, a teacher, or a community leader, find opportunities to collaborate with individuals from different age groups. This could involve volunteering together, working on a community project, or simply spending time getting to know each other.

Share your partnership stories on social media using the hashtag #IntergenerationalPartnerships and tag @TheTogetherProject to inspire others to follow suit. Together, let's harness the power of collaboration to build a brighter future for generations to come.

Partnership announcement

At The Together Project, we're bursting with excitement to share some wonderful news and today seemed the perfect day to share it!

We've teamed up with 17 & Central, and together, we're on a mission to spread joy and combat loneliness in our community of Walthamstow!

Don't miss out on tomorrow's challenge - it's a crucial step in our mission to bring all generations together in unity and connection! Tune in and be a part of this meaningful journey.

Jenny Reed