Connecting the generations during Global Intergenerational Week


Global Intergenerational Week (#GIW23) highlights the work communities are doing to connect people of different generations in mutually beneficial activities.

At The Together Project we have various intergenerational activities all designed to bring together at least two different age groups who might not normally come into regular contact, with a focus on fun and friendship including:

Crafting Connections
The arts & crafts exchange pairing children with care home residents.


Songs & Smiles
An intergenerational music group for 0-4 year olds, their grown-ups and older people, held in care homes and assisted living schemes.


And now a NEW heart-warming
intergenerational activity

To celebrate Global Intergenerational Week 2023 #GIW23 we thought we'd share our NEW heart-warming intergenerational activity, We are Friends - Stories and Rhymes sessions for under 5’s and older people in the community in our local Waltham Forest Libraries.


We've collaborated with London Borough of Waltham Forest Chit-Chat Pitter-Pat and Waltham Forest Children and Family Centres to develop 'We are Friends' - a special 8 week programme that will bring older people, under 5’s and their parents/guardians together - through storytelling and singing songs.

The sessions will help to reduce loneliness and social isolation, boost mental wellbeing and self confidence, and provide an opportunity for all generations to feel valued.

The first session was launched at the beginning of Global Intergenerational Week on 24th April.

Margaret from Ivy Grove care home read from 'The Lion Inside' by Rachel Bright - A bestselling story about confidence, self-esteem, and a shy little mouse who sets out on a journey to find his roar. The story reminds us that friendships can be formed in the most unexpected ways, if we can just be brave and reach out to someone.


Why not join us?

If you have an older neighbour or know an older person who might like to get involved, bring them along or if they need help, book them a space. We'd love to see you at a session soon.

If you'd like to know more or would like to collaborate with The Together Project on intergenerational projects in your area - please do get in touch at

Jenny Reed